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Community Group Recreation Affiliate Application

Organization Contact Information

Please provide us with some contact information for your organization or group. Haldimand County will require this information to be provided annually.

Summary of Group Activities

Organization or Group Executive

Please list your current executive (if applicable):

Anticipated Operating Dates

Facilities and Services Requested

Use of Schools

Will your group be contacting the Grand Erie District School Board or the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board for use of their facilities?

Marketing and Advertising

Haldimand County offers a monthly resident newsletter as well as often receives inquires from the public on recreation opportunities. Do you consent to have your information shared to the public?

Notice of Collection

Personal Information contained on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended and will be used for the purpose of processing this application/request. Questions about this collection may be directed to the Community Development and Partnerships at 905-318-5932 or

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